
Riot in the Streets.

I was reminded that it could always be worse. I don’t live in the UK with crazed football fans but i do live in downtown Los Angeles so that means the Staples center is blocks from my loft. Sean came to collect me from the office early and walk me the block home just in case the game ended with bad results, and in fact if it had i would not have left the house after arriving home had the Lakers not won tonight.

Go Lakers ( not a sports fan but appreciate the excitement of our home team being champions of course).

Since they won we thought it would be safe to walk the few blocks to Ralph’s and buy food for dinner. Ten minutes after arriving they shut down the store which was guarded by no less than 15 downtown security and in store officers.

On the streets drunk and loud, happy and aggressive fans. So on the two blocks home away from the chaos i was glad to be home and make dinner while helicopters still buzz around the sky’s of my block and the blocks surrounding.

Why do people set cars on fire and start fights when their team WINS? Its so backwards. I wonder why humans cant be happy and maintain peace at the same time. Elation should not lead to violence ever.

I have never been a fanatic anything and feel pretty happy about that.

I’m glad to be in my secure building and away from the throngs of trouble makers and revelers alike.

I do wish the helicopters would go away though.

On a side note i LOVE when girls send me photos of them using my fashion. This is Wendy who bought a one of a kind headband i made for Ink N Iron.

She was a total doll.

Have a safe and happy night all you Lakers fans out there. And have fun in Jail you dicks who are causing problems and being violent.


Leigha K. July 6, 2010 - 7:00 pm
are you going to do a sewing workshop this summer? -Kittie
Jessica Louise July 6, 2010 - 10:11 pm
Im thinking Sept 25th unless i get caught up then yes something this summer too !
Holly Valparaiso June 18, 2010 - 12:36 am
Hi Jessica, I'm glad you made it home safely! Yeah I totally feel your frustration and unfortunately whether the current excuse is Lakers won/loss, this or that... Too bad there's a butt-load of inconsiderate douche bags out here! Have a good day tomorrow!
Jessica Louise June 24, 2010 - 5:53 am
Thank you! There are always those few people who ruin things for the good ones.

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