Raquel Reed Multi talented babefest
I have been friends via the internet and following Raquel Reed for at least a decade now. She is one of my all time favorite models and also happens to be a burlesque queen,makeup artist, and massive babe . I really could just gush on an on about her. I love it when people who are beautiful on the outside are equally as beautiful on the inside, she is one of these people.
She recently shot these images with talented East Coast based photographer Steward Noak featuring one of my sequin cat hats and I LOVE this shoot so much!!!!!

Raquel Reed by Steward Noack

Raquel Reed by Steward Noack

Raquel Reed by Steward Noack
When I asked Steward what he loved most about working with Raquel this was his response.
You can say that I like working with Raquel because I find her to be a natural when it comes to modeling, also her personality is really easy-going which makes it extremely easy to get great images. Collaborating with Raquel is always fun because she brings such great positive energy to set every time as well as having cool ideas to contribute to shoots. I used to shoot with her back in the day when she first came to NYC and had lots of crazy hair colors. I have photographed her through all her many hued hair color phases. We had lost touch for a spell but recently reconnected in the last year and it feels like no time has passed.
I also asked Steward what were some of his favorite subjects to photograph.
My favorite things to photograph are people. Mainly women. I love photographing intimate apparel and crafting images where I can sculpt the figure with light. My inspirations are the old Hollywood Studio photos of the 1930’s &1940’s. George Hurrell is the biggest photographic influence on me. So are a lot of current commercial photographers and photos from advertising and the commercial world.
Thank you so much Stewart & Raquel I love both of your work so much.
Please check out Steward Noack at –www.houseofindulgence.com
As well as Raquel Reed at www.ihateraquelreed.com