Paysaber my favorite retail device…

For anyone who has a business small or large you need a gateway and a credit card processing machine. If you do any sort of events where you are selling merchandise having a wireless credit card machine is an absolute necessity.
I did two shows back to back last month and i have to say if i did not have my pay saber i would have lost out on ALLOT of sales.

Also amazingly handy for tradeshows,selling band merch, if you are a contractor,hair salon, well pretty much any situation where you are selling a product no matter what it is.

Whats a paysaber?

Well its a wireless credit card processing machine that works with Iphone. You can swipe a card, scan bar-codes which create itemize receipts, and print out receipt’s.

You also get a virtual terminal where you can manage retail/wholesale accounts add inventory, blah ,blah,blah.

UsaEpay is my new gateway and their rates are pretty amazing.

if you are looking for a new gateway and wireless terminal you should check them out.

I love my paysaber!!!

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1 comment

steve July 28, 2010 - 2:45 pm
The PaySaber is a truly amazing device! We are proud to be able to offer this device to mobile retailers... Steve Kimbereling EVP, Sales Eureka Payments 877-476-0570

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