
Loss and vaguely familiar

I remember when Princess Diana and Prince Charles were married. I was in New Jersey at my grandparents house for the summer in Tuckerton It was 1981. I loved the story of her and thought it was such a fairy tale her romance and beginning of her integration into the royal family.

Over time watching the news reports i still like many other people i imagine had fascination with her. Both her triumphs, support of unlikely causes and sad reality of what her personal life had become.

When she died ,sitting up to watch her funeral procession i felt a sense of loss.

Its so strange how we feel loss for people we have never known in our personal lives.

Segue to Michael Jackson because today watching the coverage (and helicopters and countless firetrucks, police and commotion at the Staples center which is a few blocks from my office Downtown Los Angeles) reminded me of of her funeral in the worldwide mourning televised aspect.

AND really because since then i have not seen such a mourned figure in my own history.

I loved Michael Jackson’s music since i was a kid , i had posters of him in my room when i was in the fourth grade and off the wall is still one of my top 20 all time favorite albums of all time.

I feel sad for people ill never know  tonight. Such a strange feeling once again, i guess its just a bond of someone so familiar in your life and in the end human emotion and relating to the people left behind.

Anyway i felt compelled to reflect.

This is an amazing prison exercise routine.

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