Fix unsightly piercing holes
How to fix piercing holes a possible option:
I do not know exactly what I was thinking when deciding to get my lip pierced eight years ago. Not to say that once it was there I hated it, it was kind of cute esp. with the little CZ stone. But as I get older things like lip piercings seem too juvenile for me personally.
I have been wanting to get rid of it for quite a while now and consulted with my dermatologist a few times before I finally decided I was completely over it.
This morning I went and Dr Liu after giving me a numbing shot that was not very pleasant going in, punched out the scar tissue around my piercing hole. After removing that he stitched me up in a way where when I smile the skin will stretch the right way. Currently I have a bandage on my face that will stay until Monday when I get my stitches removed and possibly have to wear another bandage for one more week.
Depending on why the area looks like after that I may have IPL or Ematrix to remove scar completely (if there even is a noticeable one).
So something to consider if you are planning on getting a piercing on your face, or already have on and like me are ready for it to be gone but would prefer not having a hole in your face for months or years before it closes up. Actually if you have anything but a tiny gauge they never close up just face the facts. So have a hole in your face (maybe it will be a smaller hole but still there nonetheless) or choose this option.
Maybe you are one of the lucky ones and dont have this problem.
This is three days post stitch removal. You have to apply Aquaphor every few hours as per nurses instructions to help reduce scaring. I think it will look like nothing once it fully heals up. This is one week and three days after removing scar tissue and getting stitches VS. letting it “close on its own” .
Im getting my belly button done next.
Please contact Dr Liu for consultations or appointments:

Healed piercing hole
Also Sorry about the gross close up.

Healed fixed piercing hole
My friend Natalia Had her belly button piercing fixed after I did my lip, here is a healed image of that as well.
Hey! Your post inspired me to go get my lip piercing hole removed. I had the procedure done about 3 weeks ago and I’m a little concerned. He took the stitches out 5 days afterward. Did yours still look like a little hole? Mine doesn’t look closed… Do you remember looking at yours and thinking this? I’m freaking out a little bit. Mine was around 350$!
Mine was closed after five days, the first image on post is right after I took stitches out. I also had to wear a bandage over the hole for the first five days while stitches were healing.
I have the same problem and hate the tiny hole. its been a little over a year since i took it out. i think i want to do this but was it an expensive procedure?
Mine was $200 but that doesn’t mean yours will be, It depends on where it is and how big the hole is etc. I would suggest you Schedule a consult to get an idea of price 🙂
How much does the procedure cost?
It would depend on where you are getting it done. I would suggest you schedule a consult.
Who exactly do I contact to have the hole removed and stitched by?
If you are in Los Angeles
Could you please repost a picture of what it looks like now after more than a year of healing 🙂 Would be great. I am still hesitating to get it done as mine is on my uppe lip (monroe) so the scar will be more visible than yours.
Thank you !
The second photo is a year after image. Scars fade, unlike holes that never close. You just have to pick which one you can deal with. My tiny scar doesn’t bother me at all, but a hole would drive me bonkers. That just me though.
I can only say the person i went to was great and my results were ideal. I would consult with a few deems in your area.
It looks worse and sounds more painful than if you would have let it close on it’s own…
I do not agree and holes that are completely healed NEVER close. Also it hurt worse getting it done I think.
Jessica, I was very interested in the procedure you had done with Dr Lui, so much so that i contacted his offices to book an appointment – only to be told the procedure would cost me $1000 (i have 2 scars so it would actually be $1500 for both!) very disappointed… Can you please confirm how he preformed the procedure – what was involved? I am thinking it might be better to try repiercing the hole and taking the jewelry straight out. Does anyone else have before and after photos of trying this? I don’t live in the US and was considering traveling to Beverly Hills just for this surgery as i am that desperate to minimise the scars on my face! I don’t have lots of money, i’m working 3 jobs at the min to try and fund this – any suggestions would really help me out! Thanks!
It depends on what area you have to fix. Mine was a small lip piercing, but the bigger gauge you have and location will be a different charge. My assistant has a hole where she had a cheek piercing and was also quoted 1K. Mine was the price I said but was small, I only had him stitch up the outside not in and out, however inside healed as soon as the outside did in about a week.
If you re-pierced hole with a much larger needle it might work, but personally I would not trust my face to anyone other than a professional.
Dr Lui punched out my scar tissue then stitched up the hole.
If you have a dermatologist in your area who Is good and you can schedule a consult with Im sure they can do the same thing I had done.
Did you get your belly button done? I am thinking about getting this done and curious if it healed the same as your lip piercing.
My friend actually got that done not me, but yes it healed like my lip It looks like nothing.
May you please put a pocture of what it looks like now?
And how much did it cost to get that done?
I already added an updated photo and all the info is the post but it cost $200 for my lip, my best friend got her belly button fixed for the same price, but if you have something deeper like dimples through your cheeks that would be around $1k per side.
Jessica, do you have any pictures of the belly button piercing scar prosecute results? I’m desperate to get mine fixed
No sorry, I did not have that done my friend did, but it pretty much looks the same as my lip. Kind of like nothing.
Hey Guys,
I too had a scare on my lip from a I piercing that I no longer wanted. All I did was go back to the piercing parlor and got it re-pierced in the same spot, immediately after I left the parlor I took the piercing out and in about 3 week it was totally healed, I no longer have that scare.
Just a tip for anyone out there.
Monica, could i get your email I would really appreciate more info on your experience, I’m considering to do the same (re-pierce) my monroe piercing to get the hole to be at least smaller than it is right now.
Thank you
Hello, how well has your scar healed?
I have angel bite scars that i want to have removed but im scared it might look worse.
Its healed just fine. Nobody even notices it, including estheticians. I’m 100% happy with the results. And even if I wasn’t anything is better than a hole in my face for life.
What did it look like before you had it “fixed”?
Like there was a big hole in my face.
Hi Jessica,
I’m really sorry to bother you again, but I was hoping you could clarify some information. When you said the hole was completely closed within 2 weeks did you mean the hole on the inside where the scar tissue was or the skin on the outside that looks like a dimple? Also, how long did it take before the scar looked like the small line in the second picture you posted? Did you derm stitch the inside of the skin or the outer edges together? I’m sorry to ask so many questions but I’m having a hard time finding any info. You can contact me thru e-mail, it might be easier.
HI James. I opted not to have him suture the inside of my lip. He just did the outside and as soon as the outside healed up so did the inside. SInce he did a dermal punch around scar tissue and essentially popped out the piercing hole it healed very quickly. Both inside and out were healed in a week. It took about a month for it to look like the second photo.
Feel free to email me any other questions [email protected]
I know there is no info on this that I could find, which is the only reason I shared it.
Hi Jessica,
I had this procedure performed by my dermatologist and it has been a couple weeks since the stitches were removed. There is still a small hole which my dermatologist told me will close up over time and leave a small wrinkle scar. I was wondering how long yours took to heal up into the wrinkle scar you have in the second picture you posted? Did you still have a small hole after the stitches were removed? I’m just a bit nervous the hole isn’t going to close.
Hi James,
The hole was closed completely with in two weeks ( by the time my stictes were removed and I stopped having to wear a bandage over the area) and my scar is so
slight that literally nobody notices it ever.
Im very happy with the outcome.
I hope you are as well.
xo J
My name is Ginny, and I just wanted to say thank you for this insight. My problem, however, is this: I’ve got six piercing scars in my lower lip at the age of 25. The main reason for this is that every time I got snake bites, it just so happened I would have to go into surgery for one thing or another no more than three weeks after. As you can imagine, with six piercing scars, this is a rather severe approach to healing the scars, and I was wondering if you had heard of any other methods? Please know that I’m asking you because you had such great advice and results. Please email me with any possible ideas.
Thank you,
Hi Ginny,
I really don’t think so. It seems like the only way to get rid of holes is to sew them up. But that is something you should discuss with your dermatologist. I went in and asked what my options were and go what we came up with. I could not be happier with the result however with six you have allot of time and money to invest.
Please let me know what your derm says and what solution you came up with. Im sure people would be interested. I only had the on piercing but I know allot of people get several and might eventually want them gone.
I had my nosed pierced June 3rd and realized it was too high and I want the hole gone, any suggestions?
I would talk to your dermatologist. If its a newer piercing it might close up faster and without any procedures though.
Just had a little peek under the plaster – it’s looking great! There are just a couple of small stitches but the skin appears to be closed, and there is no more hole!
Ali!! Where did you go for this procedure? I dont live near California, but i want a.good place to go so it is done well.
I’m a little too scared to look under the dressing. It looks a little black under the tape, but i’m hoping that’s the stitches/blood. I’m terrified of being left with an even bigger hole, somehow. Very anxious about Wednesday when I have them removed.
Hi Jessica. Thank you so much for your thread.
I have just visited my dermatologist and he has performed this procedure on 2 of my old lip piercings, and my eyebrow piercing. I will be in touch with the results in a week. I am struggling to keep my plasters dry on my face however. Was it a problem for you to get them wet? Also a bit scared to smile incase I rip the stitches open!
HI. I kind of just used a hot wash cloth and cleaned around them, I was very carful not to get them wet but it still came off after four days, I then just used that rubbery medical tape and changed the dressing every day. After a week it was healed up and had my stitches removed.
Thats funny I tried not to smile too much too I wanted it to close up perfect so was super carful about everything. Let me know how it goes. 🙂
Hi, jessica. I got my monroe pierced for abiut 4 years and still have a piercing hole that i have had out for over a year and there hasnt been any change in the hole closing up. Im a little scared to get this procedure done because i dont want an even worse scar above my lip, what does your scarring look like today? Can any dermatologist do the procedure?? Please help!!
Hi pretty lady. My Dr. had never done it before me so I don’t know . He is amazing though and am very happy with the result. The scar is so minimal you can barely tell there was anything there.
Thanks for your help Jessica! Also, I was wondering what gauge the piercing you had was?
I cant remember, It wasn’t the smallest maybe 14?
Thank you so much for sharing your experience! I also have piercing holes in my face from lip piercings that I’ve been dying to get taken care of, and this is EXACTLY what I’ve been looking to do. I am in the Los Angeles area and I am interested in contacting the same dermatologist you went to at Cedars-Sinai. The results look amazing! If you don’t mind sharing his or her office contact that would be great. And again, thank you for sharing this, as I also couldn’t find anything online about it.
Hi Deandra. He is really great his contact is at the end of the post before the photos 🙂
Thank you so much!! You rock!
Tell Him I sent you. 🙂 Hes so so nice you will love him.
Hi Jessica,
I also have a hole below my lip from a piercing and was considering this procedure. I don’t have medical insurance and was wondering if you paid the $200 with or without medical insurance. Any information would be greatly appreciated!
Hi James, I did have it but mine did not cover elective procedures like this one so that was the cash amount.
Hi Jessica,
I also have a hole in my lip left from a piercing and was considering this procedure. I was wondering about the price because I don’t have medical insurance. Did you pay the $200 with or without insurance? Thanks for your help!
Hey Honeybee!
When you are done with Aquaphor and healing, look into getting some Tamanu Oil, stuff all over online says it helps fade scars, even old ones. Might help with any last bits of scarring? 🙂
Thanks Ladykins Ill check that out.
Have you found out the name for this procedure yet? I didn’t know there was such a thing.
I don’t know that there is one, I could not find any info on it. Which is why I posted my experience. Generally I do not share my dermatologist visits with the internet, but thought other people might be interested..
$200 is a really good price for a doctor at Cedars Sinai! I would like to get my lip piercing worked on by this doctor! I called doctors around the Hollywood area where I live, and they all told me it would cost anywhere between $500 and $1000. After I heard this, I almost gave up, but now I have some hope again 🙂
You can email. He’s my regular DR so maybe they charge a consultation fee but I don’t think so.
Can you post a current picture of what the scar looks like?
ahhh Yes I guess I can. Ill try to take one today or tomorrow.
Okay, Posted a current photo.
thank you so much for posting this, I have been researching getting my scars closed for years but thought there was no way. i got mine when i was about 16 and i’m now 22 and i feel relieved that there is a way i can finally close them. getting onto dermatologists asap!! x
That is why I posted.. I could not find ANY information on the internet about this subject. I’m so glad I could be of service 🙂 Good luck.
That would be great if you could post a picture! Unfortunately, I live in Wisconsin, I have called around but no one I have contacted has had any experience with this procedure. Therefore, I couldn’t get any further info about the the procedure, cost, etc. Since I don’t plan on getting it done right away, I hope I can find someone who has some experience.
I suggest you find a good dermatologist and schedule a consultation. Mine did a small dermal punch around scar tissue and sutured the outside only (the inside healed up right after the outside did), I had to wear a bandage on my lip for a week, then went in to have stitches removed.It was $200 here, maybe will be less where you are?.
Right after I got my lip fixed my BF got her navel ring hole stitched up w/ same procedure and the price and recovery was the same.
Hi Jessica! Im curious about your friends belly ring? I got mine pierced when I was 14 and am now 26, I’ve taken the ring out for 6 months at a time before and it would never close so unfortunately, I had to put the ring back in bc I could not deal with the ugly hole. 🙁 I live in NYC, and was considering a plastic surgeon to stitch it up… but it sounds like you’re saying a dermatologist can do it? And for as cheap as $200? I would love to see a before n after pic If you’re friend had one and is willing to post? That would be so helpful and appreciated! Thanks for posting!
Ps. Is there a name for the procedure?
Amber I will ask her. I am planning on getting mine stitched up and if I do will post before and after photos.
I’m picky as well, but I’d rather go with this procedure than wait and see if this closes up anymore. I am a little concerned with price, as well as the end result though. I know it would look better than the hole but scars are a big pet peeve for me, although I’m sure if I were to put vitamin e on the wound after the procedure it would end up healing really well. Did it affect your smile at all? And do you have a picture of what it looks like now? Sorry for the questions, but i have been wanting to do this for YEARS. I’ve had a hard time finding any reliable information about this.
I can only recommend me dermatologist who is the head of Dermatology at Cedars Sinai. He specifically did the suture in a way that it does not effect my smile at all, in fact when I smile you can’t even notice the tiny scar even less.
But if you are not near or in Los Angeles there should be a qualified dermatologist to schedule a consultation with. I have never seen anybody have a facial piercing close up on its own. And when I decided to take mine out could not find any information about how to fix piercing holes either, so I shared my experience.
I am thrilled with the job he did and the tiny scar does not bother me enough to do anything else about it yet.
I will take a photo when I get a chance.
Do you have a picture of what it looks like now? I have the same problem and I want to get the scar removed but am very hesitant because I don’t know how it will look when it is fully healed.
I can tell you it looks about 10k times better than having a hole in your face. To me it could do with a little filler and maybe IPL to lighten but I am very picky, people don’t even notice it at all. When I tell them I had a lip piercing they always ask where, its that unnoticeable.
Looks pretty good Jessica! Hopefully this will heal and be but a memory….
Its already looking great!
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