Baby Slave anyone?.

I received this invitation on myspace today:

Dear Mistress

How are you doing?

My name is **ick or baby **ick some people call me. I’m a single guy 22 living in Utah. I am an adult baby. I wear diapers and dress like a baby. If you’re not familiar with it, look up infantism and that will help you out.

I am looking for someone I can be a baby slave to. Someone who would be willing to be my mommy and turn me back to a baby. If for the rest of my life or for an hour anything would be nice. I am willing to relocate and travel. Let me know if you can help.


Baby **ick

Seriously? Well i guess there are plushies and pony people.

These are not Baby **ick. We will call them baby Huey & baby al franken

* name changed because your into what your into as long as it isnt hurting anyone then go at it. Everyone needs thier own fetish.

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allie March 7, 2009 - 2:22 am
hahaha i just made brian read this
angelique March 2, 2009 - 8:28 pm
oooh!! time to bust out the SSB paddle. we've got a live one. LOL!!

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