Finally after over a week of this freakin flu im feeling better. I can take Yoga agin and work longer hours this week, which may not sound so fun but it really is esp after days in bed.
Yesterday i cut out 99 tank tops and today 102 or two other types of top. I am still sewing allot of things myself but these i gave to my contractor since they are for wholesale not retail. And went to the textile show that is ever six months where i never look at textiles but always find amazing trim or random other notions. So that the excitement of my week so far, oh and having a careless driver open her door about 2 seconds before i was about to pass her. I totally hit her door and fell over but am ok besides a sore hand and giant bruise.Â
Ill be back to riding on the sidewalk or ever wonder why cyclers ride in the middle of your lane?, because people in cars do not look or see them otherwise, ill never get irritated about that while driving again.
Reason 636 i miss Santa Cruz: Bike Lanes.
I love animals brushing their teeth.
ok…these were the cutest pics! haha.
i think you will enjoy this video if you have not already seen it. 😉
That was the cutest thing ever!!!!! How can people eat lambs when they know their own names?.
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